Full Title: I'laam al Muwaqi'een 'an Rabbil 'Alameen
A comprehensive book tackling issues of Fiqh, Usool, the objectives of the Sharee'ah, its history and its policies.
He encourages following the narrations of the Prophet – صلى الله عليه وسلم -, he establishes the references of the Sharee'ah and goes in depth in Fiqh and Usool related affairs such as usury, cheating, Qiyaas, Ta-weel, the conditions of the Mufti, the etiquette of seeking Fatwa, divorce and others.
He concludes the book with chapters about the Fatawa issued by the prophet - صلى الله عليه وسلم – ordered according to the chapters of Fiqh.
He researches the material in depth using referenced evidence and clarity while explaining and selecting the correct opinions.