A book that was granted by Allaah to be widely accepted by the Muslims, there is hardly a library, whether private or public, that does not include this book.
He used a knowledge based method in commenting on the versus of the Qur-aan with great eloquence, the importance of this book becomes clear after reflecting over his methodology which can be summarized with the following points:
Mentions the Ahaadeeth with their chain of narrators.
Mentions the ruling over the authenticity of the Hadeeth.
Selects what he believes to be the most authentic opinion without being obstinate or blindly following anybody.
He does not depend on the narratives of the People of the Book that have not been established in the Qur-aan or the Sunnah, he rarely mentions them without commenting on them.
He explains the Names and Attributes of Allaah upon the methodology of the Salaf - without Tahreef, Ta-weel, Tashbeeh or Ta’teel.
He gathers all the Hadeeth that are related to the verse he is explaining.
As Suyootee stated: ‘He authored the Tafseer, the likes of which has never been written.’
Ash Shawkaanee stated: ‘He authored many books, amongst them is the renowned Tafseer in a number of volumes, he gathered a lot of knowledge in it, he related the opinions the Madhaahib, Ahaadeeth and Athaar, he spoke with the best of speech, it is amongst the best books of Tafseer if not the best.’