Full Title: Qa’idah Jaleeyyah fee at Tawassul wal Waseelah.
An extremely beneficial book on the topic of Tawassul and Waseelah, its different types and what is permissible concerning it and what is not.
The author states in the book: ‘Indeed these principles concerning the establishment of monotheism, and determining polytheism and extremism, the more methods used in clarifying them and the more explanations given for their expressions, then this is indeed only light upon light.”
Shaykh Rabee’ states in his introduction to the book:
‘In this book [Shaykhul Islaam] resolves the following issues:
At Tawassul, it types and other issues related to it.
Ash Shafaa’ah, its types and issues that those who have no understanding fall into.
Ad Du’aa and all its types."