The Hadeeth of the Prophet - صلّى الله عليه وسلّم;
"The child goes to [the owner of] the bed and the adulterer gets nothing but the stone."
Is this general, whether the owner of the bed claims the child or doesn’t claim him?
Or is it specific to the case when the alleged father (fornicator) claims the child to be his? Meaning if the fornicatress has no bed (i.e. no owner of the bed to claim the child) and the fornicator claims the child to be his own. Is the child to be attributed to him [in this case] or not?
The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it is general, and the fornicator has no right over the child that was conceived with his water [i.e. sperm out of wedlock].
Some scholars held the opinion that this is specific to the situation where there is dispute; meaning if the fornicator and the owner of the bed dispute who the child belongs to, we rule in favor of the owner of the bed.
However if no one contends the fornicator in his claim that the child is his, then he has that right [to claim him/her] and the child is to be attributed to him. This is the more correct opinion that is in agreement with intellect, and likewise with the Legislation upon contemplation.
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todayPublished:Apr 21, 2014
editTranslator:Abu AbdulWahid, Nadir Ahmad
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وقول النبي صلّى الله عليه وسلّم:
«الولد للفراش وللعاهر الحجر»
هل هذا عام، سواء ادَّعاه صاحب الفراش أم لم يدعه، أو خاص فيما إذا ادَّعاه صاحب الفراش؟ بمعنى أنه لو كانت المزني بها لا فراش لها، وادعى الزاني أن الولد ولده فهل يلحق به؟
الجمهور على أنه عام، وأنه لا حق للزاني في الولد الذي خلق من مائه، وذهب بعض العلماء إلى أن هذا خاص في المخاصمة، يعني إذا تخاصم الزاني وصاحب الفراش قضينا به لصاحب الفراش، أما إذا كان لا منازع للزاني، واستلحقه فله ذلك ويلحق به، وهذا القول هو الراجح المناسب للعقل، وكذلك للشرع عند التأمل.
todayتاريخ الإضافة :Apr 21, 2014
editالمترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
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