The Christians believe in a Christ that does not exist, and the Jews await the Anti Christ.
In the statement of the al Maseeh (the Messiah/Christ) in this glad tiding;
“I have no decision in the affair.”
Is an indication of Monotheism; that the whole affair belongs to Allah. So this statement includes the two foundations of religion;
This statement of the Messiah is in accordance to what his brother; Muhammad the son of ‘Abdullah came with, narrating upon his Lord who said:
Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allah) is the decision… [Aal ‘Imraan: 128]
Whoever contemplates over these two noble messengers and their call would find that they are in agreement, in accord with each other in every way. That it is impossible to believe in one of them without believing in the other, and that the one who denies Muhammad - صلى الله عليه وسلم – is an even greater denier of the Messiah - who is the Messiah son of Maryam (Mary), the servant and Messenger of Allah.
Whoever believes in a Messiah that is not real, who never existed and is from the greatest of falsehood, while Yuhana, who is called - Akrakees by them - stated in ‘The Accounts of the Disciples’:
“My loved ones, beware of believing in every spirit/soul, you must differentiate between the spirits/souls from Allah and others. Know that every spirit/soul that believes that Yasoo’ (Jesus) the Messiah had come and had a body, then it is from Allah. And every spirit/soul that does not believe that the Messiah had come and had a body, then it is not from Allah, rather it is from the false Messiah who is present in the world today.”
The Muslims believe in the true Messiah, the one who came from Allah with guidance and the religion of truth, he is the servant of Allah and his messenger and His word that He bestowed upon the virgin Maryam.
The Christians only believe in a Messiah that called the people to worship him and his mother, that he is the third of the trinity, that he is Allah and the son of Allah. If this Messiah ever existed, then he is the brother of the false Messiah, for indeed it is the false Messiah who claims to be Allah, and the Christians, in reality, are followers of this Messiah.
Just as the Jews are only awaiting for his emergence, they claim that they are waiting for the Prophet, whom they were told would come, so instead of believing in him after he came, the Shayateen replaced waiting for the anti Christ for them instead of that. Likewise whoever turns away from the truth, would be given falsehood to take it place.
todayPublished:Dec 23, 2008
editTranslator:Abu AbdulWahid, Nadir Ahmad
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النصارى آمنوا بمسيح لا وجود له واليهود ينتظرون المسيح الدجال
وفي قول المسيح في هذه البشارة وليس لي من الأمر شيء
إشارة إلى التوحيد وأن الأمر كله لله، فتضمنت هذه البشارة أصلي الدين: إثبات التوحيد، وإثبات النبوة وهذا الذي قاله المسيح مطابق لما جاء به أخوه محمد بن عبد الله عن ربه من قوله له
ليس لك من الأمر شيءفمن تأمل حال الرسولين الكريمين ودعوتهما وجدهما متوافقين متطابقين حذو القذة بالقذة، وأنه لا يمكن التصديق بأحدهما مع التكذيب بالآخر البتة، وأن المكذب بمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أشد تكذيبا للمسيح الذي هو المسيح ابن مريم عبد الله ورسوله؛ وإن آمن بمسيح لا حقيقة له ولا وجود وهو أبطل الباطل، وقد قال يوحنا في كتاب أخبار الحواريين وهو يسمونه اقراكيس
أحبابي إياكم أن تؤمنوا بكل روح، لكن ميزوا الأرواح التي من عند الله من غيرها واعلموا أن كل روح تؤمن بأن يسوع المسيح قد جاء وكان جسدانيا فهي من عند الله وكل روح لا تؤمن بأن المسيح قد جاء وكان جسدانيا فليست من عند الله بل من المسيح الكذاب الذي هو الآن في العالم
فالمسلمون يؤمون بالمسيح الصادق الذي جاء من عند الله بالهدى ودين الحق هو عبد الله ورسوله وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم العذراء البتول
والنصارى إنما تؤمن بمسيح دعى إلى عبادة نفسه وأمه وأنه ثالث ثلاثة وأنه الله وابن الله، وهذا هو أخو المسيح الكذاب لو كان له وجود، فإن المسيح الكذاب يزعم أنه الله، والنصارى في الحقيقة اتباع هذا المسيح
كما أن اليهود إنما ينتظرون خروجه، وهم يزعمون أنهم ينتظرون النبي الذي بشروا به، فعوضهم الشيطان بعد مجيئه من الإيمان به انتظارا للمسيح الدجال. وهكذا كل من أعرض عن الحق يعوض عنه بالباطل.
todayتاريخ الإضافة :Dec 23, 2008
editالمترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
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