Amongst the benefits of this Ayah; is a warning from oppression due to His statement:
And Allah does not guide oppressors.It is a form of oppression, that the truth becomes apparent to you, but you continue to argue in support of your own opinion, we ask Allah for safety from this; the truth becomes apparent to you, but you argue in support of your opinion. This is indeed oppression, because justice is to submit to and follow the truth, and to refrain from being arrogant when it becomes clear. For this reason, we ask Allah for safety, for you as well as us.
Amongst the benefits: Is that Allah - the Mighty and Magnificent - does not prevent anyone from His graciousness, except if the prohibited thing itself that was mentioned, was the cause [of prevention from His graciousness], due to His statement:
And Allah does not guide oppressors
Aal ‘Imran: 86
So because of their oppression, Allah does not guide the, and it is similar to His Statement:
So when they deviated, Allah caused their hearts to deviate.As-Saff: 5
todayPublished:Dec 12, 2016
editTranslator:Abu AbdulWahid, Nadir Ahmad
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ومن فوائد الآية الكريمة: التحذير من الظلم؛ لقوله :
لا يهدي القوم الظالمينومن الظلم أن يتبين لك الحق فتجادل لنصرة قولك نسأل الله العافية يتبين لك الحق فتجادل لنصرة قولك فإن هذا ظلم؛ لأن العدل أن تنصاع للحق وأن لا تكابر عند وضوحه ؛ ولهذا نسأل الله لنا ولكم السلامة
ومنها: أن الله عز وجل لا يمنع فضله عن أحد إلا كان ذلك الممنوع هو السبب؛ لقوله :
والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمينفلظلمهم لا يهديهم الله؛ وهذا كقوله
فلما زاغوا أزاغ الله قلوبهم
todayتاريخ الإضافة :Dec 12, 2016
editالمترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
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priority_highنرجو أن تكون التعليقات علمية و متعلقة بالموضوع.