A lot of people are aware of the dangers of thieves who steal money, and take the necessary caution for their wealth out of fear for it from them. However, they are unaware of the thieves of the Deen. Consequently, they are unconcerned about what is stolen from their Deen, let alone being cautious of those who are stealing from it. Their Deen continues to be a source to be stolen from by thieves, day after day, while they care not, but if only a slight amount of their wealth was stolen, they would be greatly disturbed and dismayed by the affair.
Thieves, as mentioned by Ibnul Qayyim:
They are so many types that they cannot be accounted for;
- amongst them are those who steal with their hands,
- amongst them are those who steal with their pens,
- amongst them are those who steal with what they are entrusted with,
- amongst them are those who steal with what they outwardly portray of religiousness, righteousness, poverty and Zuhd, while their inner state is contradictory to this,
- and amongst them are those who steal with their plots, deception and deceit.
I’laam al-Muwaqi’een: 3/332
However, the obedient, successful worshiper would have his Deen secured through Allah’s preservation, and the disobedient one would have his Deen diminish; a prize for these thieves.
Ibnul Qayyim stated:
The obedient person sets up a boundary wall around his garden of obedience firmly securing it, so enemies would not be able to find a way to enter it. Its greenery, flowers, fruits and bliss are in a constant state of growth and development.
In contrast, the sinful person leaves an opening, a gap enabling thieves and enemies to enter it, and so they enter wreaking havoc everywhere. They cut down its trees, demolish its protective boundary walls, cut off its fruits, set parts of it on fire and curtail its water supply. So when would this garden return to its original state?!
If its owner tries to save it; gather what has been dispersed, restore what has been destroyed, open up its water supplies and rebuild what has been demolished, it would either return to its original state, or better or worse. But it would never match his companion’s garden; which remained upon its splendor and beauty, and continued to grow and develop, and its fruits and saplings multiplied.
Madaarij as-Salikeen: 1/295-296
How much of our Deen is being diminished by not purifiying our intention before embarking upon an act of worship.
How much of our Deen is being robbed by advertising our acts of worship after we have completed them.
How much of our Deen is being stolen while Khanzaq wanders freely through our gardens as we daydream during our Salat?
todayPublished:Dec 11, 2015
editTranslator:Abu AbdulWahid, Nadir Ahmad
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كثير من الناس يدرك خطورة سراق الأموال ويحترز لماله خشية عليه منهم، ولا يدرك خطورة سراق الدين فلا يبالي بما سُرق من دينه فضلا عن أن يحترز من سراقه، ولا يزال دينه يوما تلو يوم نهبة للسراق دون مبالة منه، ولو كان الذي سرق قدر يسير من ماله لفزع وهاله الأمر.
أنواع لا تحصى:إعلام الموقعين: 3/332
- فمنهم السراق بأيديهم،
- ومنهم السراق بأقلامهم،
- ومنهم السراق بأمانتهم،
- ومنهم السراق بما يظهرونه من الدين والفقر والصلاح والزهد وهم في الباطن بخلافه،
- ومنهم السراق بمكرهم وخداعهم وغشهم
: لكنَّ المطيع الموفق يسلم له دينه بحفظ من الله، والعاصي يذهب دينه نهبة لهؤلاء السراق، قال ابن القيم رحمه الله:
إن المطيع قد أحاط على بستان طاعته حائطا حصينا لا يجد الأعداء إليه سبيلا فثمرته وزهرته وخضرته وبهجته في زيادة ونمو أبدا، والعاصي قد فتح فيه ثغرا وثلم فيه ثلمة ومكَّن منه السراق والأعداء فدخلوا فعاثوا فيه يمينا وشمالا : أفسدوا أغصانه وخربوا حيطانه وقطعوا ثمراته وأحرقوا فى نواحيه وقطعوا ماءه ونقصوا سقيه فمتى يرجع هذا إلى حاله الأول، فإذا تداركه قيِّمه ولم شعثه وأصلح ما فسد منه وفتح طرق مائه وعمر ما خرب منه فإنه إما أن يعود كما كان أو أنقص أو خيرا، ولكن لا يلحق بستان صاحبه الذى لم يزل على نضارته وحسنه، بل في زيادة ونمو وتضاعف ثمرةٍ وكثرة غرس.
مدارج السالكين لابن القيم :1/295-296
todayتاريخ الإضافة :Dec 11, 2015
editالمترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
ruleإن كان لديكم أي ملاحظة في الترجمة فضلاً ارسلوا الينا
priority_highنرجو أن تكون التعليقات علمية و متعلقة بالموضوع.