On the authority of Abu Hurayrah; the Messenger - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - said:
There are three affairs that are serious, whether you say them seriously or jokingly, they are serious:Marriage, divorce and taking back your [divorced] wife.”
The Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, comments:
Meaning that a person divorces his wife then says that he was only joking and wasn’t serious when he divorced her, or says I only wanted to joke around and so on. This is not considered to be joking, because these three issues are serous whether saying them seriously or jokingly. So she would be divorced.
If this were not the case, everyone who divorced his wife would say that he was only joking. But the clear statement of divorce, if it is uttered then it is considered to be a divorce. If he says that he was only joking, well indeed his joke about this matter is serious.
His statement: “There are three affairs that are serious, whether you say them seriously or jokingly, they are serious…”
So whether a person intends them and is serious or says them jokingly, indeed they are serious and are implemented. So it is not befitting to be careless and negligent in the likes of these matters and joke about them.
His statement: “Marriage, divorce and taking back your [divorced] wife.”
Some of the scholars added the freeing of a slave, but there aren’t any authentic Ahadeeth concerning it. In ‘Awn al Ma’bood’ it states: “Abu Bakr Al Ma’aarifee stated: there is a narration with the addition of the freeing of a slave but there are no authentic Ahadeeth concerning [all of] them.”
If what he intended was that there are no authentic Ahadeeth with the conditions of an authentic Hadeeth, then there is no issue here, but if he intended that the Hadeeth is inauthentic then this statement is not fully correct, for indeed it is Hasan as was declared by at Tirmidhi as well as al-Albani who mentioned its supporting narrations.
[The Shaykh was asked the following question related to this specific issue.]
How can one joke about marriage?
[The Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, responded:] For example a man marries his daughter to someone, then says I was only playing and joking around, I didn’t intend marriage.
todayPublished:Aug 26, 2009
editTranslator:Abu AbdulWahid, Nadir Ahmad
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عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قال
ثلاث جدهن جد، وهزلهن جد:
يعني: كون الإنسان يطلق ثم يقول: إنه هازل يضحك، وإنه ليس جاداً في طلاقه، أو يقول: إنما أردت أن أمزح، وما إلى ذلك، فلا يعتبر مزاحه؛ لأن هذه الثلاث جدهن جد، وهزلهن جد، فيعتبر ويقع الطلاق، ولو كان لا يقع لأمكن كل أحد قد طلق زوجته أن يقول: أنا كنتُ أمزح، ولكن هذا اللفظ الذي هو صريح الطلاق إذا أتى به فإنه يعتبر معناه، ولو قال: إنه هازل؛ فإن هزله جده
قوله: (ثلاث جدهن جد وهزلهن جد) فسواء كان الإنسان يقصدهن ويكون متعمداً جاداً، أو يقولها هازلاً مازحاً أو ما إلى ذلك، فإنها تكون جداً ويعتبر مقتضاها، فلا يصلح التساهل والتهاون بهذا بهزل ومزح وما إلى ذلك
قوله: (النكاح والطلاق والرجعة) وبعض العلماء يلحق العتق بهذه الثلاث، ولا يصح في ذلك حديث، قال في عون المعبود: ( قال أبو بكر المعافري : روي فيه: (والعتق) ، ولم يصح شيء منه، فإن كان أراد ليس منه شيء على شرط الصحيح فلا كلام، وإن أراد أنه ضعيف ففيه نظر، فإنه يحسَّن كما قال الترمذي )، أي: أن الترمذي قال عن هذا الحديث: حديث حسن غريب، وحسنه الألباني بشواهد ذكرها.
السؤال: كيف يكون الهزل في النكاح؟
الجواب: مثل أن يعقد لرجل على ابنته ويقول: إننا نلعب أو نمزح، وما نقصد النكاح!
todayتاريخ الإضافة :Aug 26, 2009
editالمترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
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priority_highنرجو أن تكون التعليقات علمية و متعلقة بالموضوع.